[an assignment for creative writing workshop: an alphabet with a theme.]

Alphabet in Action

A is for aimlessly ascending an asymmetrical stairwell in an asylum.

B is for bashfully blitzing a beatnik bargaining for a boat.

C is for careening across the creaky floor with your cream-colored apple core.

D is for dancing deliriously through dark and dank medieval dungeons.

E is for eloping with an elephant emerging from an edifice.

F is for falling flat with a frown from a funky fudge-like mound.

G is for gallantly galloping through the galaxy with giddy fleas riding on your gorgeous green dungarees.

H is for hovering above a heinous and horrid half-eaten healthy lunch.

I is for inanely inching away from an invisible itchy imp.

J is for jumping with a jostle on a jaunt just before June.

K is for keenly kidnapping a kingdom of kind kings.

L is for lagging behind like a lazy little lad after a long lark.

M is for moping like a monster unable to make mayhem in a mausoleum.

N is for nose-diving naked into the Nile.

O is for obscenely oozing out of bed at one o’clock.

P is for pouncing like a pixie through a paradise of plush pillows.

Q is for questing to a quagmire while having a quandary with a queen.

R is for racing rubber tires on a rainy rendezvous .

S is for spelunking like Pippi Longstocking on a sultry summer afternoon.

T is for tossing your torso in a tortuous manner while tilting on a teeter-totter.

U is for unfurling in an underpass ending in an unfeasible underworld wearing only underwear.

V is for veering vociferous vultures and viscous vermin.

W is for wiggling and wobbling away from a wee weeping wombat.

X is for exiting an x-rated movie with Malcolm X.

Y is for yanking your yacht over yonder while yodeling your favorite yodel.

Z is for zigzagging like a zealous zombie.


© 2002  a.vancampen